The BigDogz

The BigDogz

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Dawgs Regional Roundup: Head Stuck in Tailpipe

..the regional answer to, 'where is your head at?'

WINSTED, Minn. - Apparently there IS a thing as too much fun.

A young woman at the recently-held Winstock Music Festival has a story to tell... or not tell... to her kids and grandkids after getting her head stuck in the tailpipe of a truck. Yep... a truck tailpipe.

At this point the details of how she got there, or what motivated the incident are unclear, but alcohol may have (wink wink) played a role. The McLeod County Sheriff's Department confirms she was cited for underage drinking and escorted from the grounds once her head was removed from the exhaust pipe, which was no easy task. The Winsted Fire Department was called in, and used a power saw to aid in the extrication. No word on whether the truck owner billed her out for the unexpected mods.

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