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> February 2018
This cat is in heaven!
Why we ice fish
Have you ever been this drunk?
Mullet fest!
Just bent a little!
Curling in Texas!
And the mother of the year award goes to.........
Bad wheelie!
What, you've never seen a dog in a window before?
Why not to use a selfie stick while driving!
Stop and look both ways!
A little too crazy!
Hold on!
Finally, a workout for me
One way to get rid of pesky squirrels!
Pranking the daughter!
The put for a hundred grand!
Winter fun on the lawn mower!
Nothing like a little "bling" on the bike!
Jammin Eagle!
It's just a toy!
On his way to the auto body shop!
Think you have a tough job?
When you have the I.Q of a chicken!
More stupid criminals!
Go U.S.A!
I wish!
Kids, don't try this at home!
Dumb and Dumber mini-bike for sale!
That didn't go as planned
The agony of defeat!
Just another day at the gym
Has to be the center of attention!
What to watch for during the Olympics
Another genius way to make money?
All for a dollar!
Life sized Jenga....what could possibly go wrong?
Practice makes perfect
Haunted house is the bomb!
The next Olympic sport?
Prince tribute at Superbowl halftime show, good or bad?
Its just a super bowl win, that's all!
Worst vandal ever!
How much longer until spring?
Last years Super Bowl halftime show. Remember this?
One fast bird!
Stores locking up Tide Pods!